When to buy a bowling ball

When to Buy a Bowling Ball

The key to a great bowling game, whether it’s your first time or 100th, is picking the right ball. If you want to improve your game, you’ll need your ball. This article will explain the benefits of having your bowling ball fitted and guide you in selecting the best ball for your needs. When should … Leggi tutto

What is duckpin bowling?

What is Duckpin Bowling

Duckpin is the most popular variant of standard bowling on the United States East Coast. It has a deep history that we have detailed in this article. If you’re a fan of the bowling game, then you’re in for a treat because we’re about to tell you everything there is to know about Duckpin bowling. … Leggi tutto

Is a bowling ball hollow?

Is A Bowling Ball Hollow

As a bowling fan, knowing the fundamentals and a broad understanding of the sport is crucial whether you’re just starting or a seasoned pro. Bowling simply isn’t bowling without the use of bowling balls. They’re necessary equipment. You may have wondered whether or not bowling balls are hollow or filled with another substance. This piece … Leggi tutto

Can you have a negative handicap in bowling

Can You Have a Negative Handicap in Bowling

Bowling tournaments and leagues for casual bowlers typically employ a handicapping system. If you know how to calculate bowling handicap, you’ll be able to plan and compete fairly with bowlers of varying skill levels. Here, we’ll go over the mechanics of calculating a handicap score and whether it would impact your play in a tournament. … Leggi tutto

What is a bowling bumper

What is a Bowling Bumper_

Going bowling is a fun way to spend a day off, but if you’re going with your family, you might get annoyed at how often you have to retrieve the ball from the gutters. Because of this, bumper bowling has proven to be a game-changing innovation for bowlers of younger ages. Whether you’re new to … Leggi tutto

How much does a bowling pinsetter weigh

how much does a bowling pinsetter weigh

Automatic pinsetters have revolutionized bowling. They help you get back to the lanes faster, so you can spend more time having fun with your friends and family. But how many people really understand how these machines work? How much do they weigh? What are their parts called? In this article, we answer all of these … Leggi tutto

How do you clean a bowling ball bag?

how do you clean a bowling ball bag

If you are a bowler, then taking care of your equipment is definitely a priority. One of the key pieces of equipment that you have at your disposal is your bowling ball bag. You might be wondering how you clean a bowling ball bag. The task might seem daunting, but with some very simple information … Leggi tutto