How to Plug a Bowling Ball

Pugging is the process of filling holes on a bowling ball so that its weight is lessened.

This makes it easier to throw as it will be easier to control and make your ball more aerodynamic.

It can also help you avoid injuries as it can cause damage if any sharp edges or corners are poking out of your ball.

This article will give tips on how to plug a bowling ball or how we fill the holes of our bowling balls for easier control and increased aerodynamics.

Why do people plug bowling balls?

Most people plug bowling balls to make them more controllable and easier to throw.

They don’t like how the weight of the ball makes it hard to throw, and they would rather have easier control over it.

Some people also plug bowling balls because they don’t like the shape of a ball, such as when someone wants more grip when throwing.

The main reason people do this is to control their bowling balls more easily, giving them lower scores and better performance.

Can you fill bowling ball holes?

Yes, you can fill bowling ball holes. If a bowling ball can be plugged, it can fill all of its holes (except for the ones at the toe, heel, and rim holes).

Doing so will lessen the weight of your ball, making it easier to throw. It will also make a smooth, even surface in the process.

Using the right filler can give your bowling ball a smooth, even surface, although the filler will come in different varieties.

Ensure that you should not fill your bowling ball before you have done some research on how to do it properly.

How to plug a bowling ball

You can follow this procedure to plug a bowling ball hole:

  1. Find the hole.
  2. Drill a hole in the plug big enough to thread into the hole you want to plug.
  3. Thread the plug into the hole on one end while holding its other end down with a clamp, so it doesn’t pull out.
  4. Fill the gap between the ball and plug with a flexible substance like epoxy or glue, then let it dry and remove any excess filler material with sandpaper or a small file.
  5. If you want to lighten your ball, add weight to the plug material by painting it with a conductive compound like silver paint.
  6. Put the ball back together and test the weight before you play again.

What can I use to plug a bowling ball?

There are two different things you can use to cram a hole with. You can use putty, a type of clay that comes in different colors and allows you to shape the ball before it dries.

Alternatively, you can use polyester powder, also sold at hardware stores.

When using polyester powder to fill a hole, however, you will usually need the services of a drill press and dowel rod to keep it in place while the Polyester dries and hardens.

How long does it take to plug a bowling ball?

The time taken to plug a bowling ball depends on the hole size that needs to be filled.

For example, small holes can be filled in an hour or two, while large holes can take up to three days.

It will also depend on the substance you use to fill the hole. For example, the polyester powder will set within a few hours, while putty takes several days to harden.

How do you know if your bowling ball is plugged properly?

There are a few ways that you can tell if your bowling ball is properly plugged.

First, a plugged bowling ball will weigh less than its original weight.

If you feel resistance when pulling the plug out of the hole, you have done it correctly.

Another way to test if your plug is fully in place is to hit the ball with a wooden spoon and listen for a hollow “thwack.”

Your ball should ring because it’s filled with air and should not resonate at all as an unplugged ball would.

How can I plug large holes without the plug cracking?

The only way to plug large holes without plug cracking is to glue them in place.

You can do this either using a hot glue gun or epoxy. Having epoxy on hand is useful if you want to plug the ball to add weight, but if it cracks, you can remove it easily.

You can also use epoxy to fill any small dents in the ball. For example, if you had a chip in the paint on your ball, you can cut out the damaged area and glue it back together with epoxy.

How much does it cost to plug a bowling ball?

The cost of plugging a bowling ball depends entirely on what you use to fill the hole and how big the hole is.

If you want to ensure that your ball is plugged properly, you will need to purchase epoxy or putty, which will cost around $15 per pound. If your hole is small, this might not be so bad, but if it is large, it will cost quite a lot of money.

Still, if you use professional services, you can expect to pay much more.

Does plugging a bowling ball affect performance?

No, plugging a bowling ball does not affect performance. If your ball is plugged properly, it will be easier to throw because it is lighter.

If you are trying to lighten the ball so much that you can’t hear it ring when you hit it with a wooden spoon or flatten a dent in its paint, the ball might not be plugged properly.

How many times can you plug a bowling ball?

The number of times you can plug a bowling ball depends on the hole size and how powerful the plugs are.

If you use epoxy and it cracks, you can remove it. Alternatively, if you use putty, you may have to remove it and start over again.

This will depend on how big your hole is and how much filler material there is in your ball.

Can a bowling ball be plugged and Redrilled?

Yes, a bowling ball can be plugged and redrilled.

This is a common procedure that professional bowling ball technicians perform.

If a ball is plugged to lighten it, for example, but you still want to use it in tournaments, then you can have the plug removed so you can drill holes into the ball sanctioned by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC).


Plugging is a very important procedure in bowling and can be used to lighten the ball or create a perfect surface.

It will also help you to improve your game by allowing you to lower your scores by increasing the weight of your ball.

If you want to plug a bowling ball, stick with the professionals who know how to do it right.